Brand new independent villas with sea views at Polop (Alicante province) Located 10km away from Benidorm beaches and night life and romantic Altea village. This residential benefits from wonderful sea views, comunal pool and social area and houses can be personalized with some extras like private pool, private solarium, underground garage, etc. Different models to choose from depending on your needs and budget, with 2 or 3 bedrooms. Residential has been designed with most of the houses in one level so we avoid stairs inside the houses and make them more comfortable to live in.
Podane tutaj informacje są podatne na błędy i nie stanowią części żadnej umowy. Oferta może zostać zmieniona lub wycofana bez powiadomienia. Ceny nie obejmują kosztów zakupu.
Brand new independent villas with sea views at Polop (Alicante province) Located 10km away from Benidorm beaches and night life and romantic Altea village. This residential benefits from wonderful sea views, comunal pool and social area and houses can be personalized with some extras like private pool, private solarium, underground garage, etc. Different models to choose from depending on your needs and budget, with 2 or 3 bedrooms. Residential has been designed with most of the houses in one level so we avoid stairs inside the houses and make them more comfortable to live in.
Podane tutaj informacje są podatne na błędy i nie stanowią części żadnej umowy. Oferta może zostać zmieniona lub wycofana bez powiadomienia. Ceny nie obejmują kosztów zakupu.
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Projekt: Mediaelx
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